Wednesday 2 April 2014

Education in Europe


Nowadays, people need to be really prepared; therefore the students are always looking for any chance to study abroad, so they have more possibilities to find a job which they like.  That’s why grants are very important in a student life, but, what exactly are them?
The European Commission awards money in the form of grants in order to implement projects or activities in relation to European Union policies.  These grants are a form of complementary financing, so The EU does not finance projects up to 100%;
The grant beneficiaries are mainly private or public organizations, and exceptionally individuals. Some of the applicant requirements that the applicant should have are a Curriculum citae (CV), letters of recommendation from current head of department and proposed host or mentor, for example; without forgetting that applicants should not be enrolled in other fellowship programmes.
All applications are examined and evaluated on the basis of criteria that have clearly been announced in the calls for proposals, while ensuring equal treatment; candidates are individually informed of the final decision concerning their proposal.
As grants are made with public money, the European Commission applies the principle of transparency.

However, we can’t talk about grants without mentioning one of the most important and known kind of education grant:  the Erasmus programme (European Region Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students) is established by the European Commission and some money is given to  university students and sometimes teachers from the EU so they can study in the different countries from the EU and the three other countries which are included in the European Economic Area: Island, Liechtenstein and Norway. There are also deals with Turkey and Switzerland.
The grant, which helps students with their work life, means freedom. Living in a foreign city always implies learning its language and meeting new people who in the future can possibly help you.

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