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In 1945, after the end of the Second World War, some European countries decided to cooperate between them so they could avoid new wars or problems, and also to increase the growth of European economy.
1949: The Western European nations created the Council of Europe. This meant another major step forward because it tried to incite political cooperation among European countries. Their main function has been to reinforce the democratic system and the human rights in the member States.
1959: On 9th May, the French Foreign minister Robert Schuman presents a plan for further cooperation. Henceforth, every 9 May is celebrated as "Europe Day".
"Europe will not be made all at once, or according to a single plan. It will be built through concrete achievements which first create a de facto solidarity”
Schuman Declaration
9th May 1950
1951: The sixth Member State found the European Coal and Steel Community.
1957: Belgium, France, Germany, Holland, Italy and Luxemburg established the European Economic Community (EEC) as signing the Treaty of Rome.
This way, they created a common market, a zone where their products could move freely between these six countries without having to pay taxes. That was based on a series of institutions: the European Commission, the European Assembly, later known as European Parliament, the Court of Justice and the Economic and Social Committee, whose competences were enlarged and modified in the diverse agreements and treaties that succeeded the Treaty of Rome.
Also, it gave birth to the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom). That signified the triumph of a very realistic and gradualist approach to building the EU.
1979: The first European elections take place. Those were parliamentary elections held across all 9 (at the time) European Community member states.
1981: Greece goes in the EU.
1986: Spain and Portugal are the followings in the UE.
The Single European Act was the first major revision of the 1957 Treaty of Rome.
"The Single Act means the commitment of implementing the great market without frontiers, more economic and social cohesion, an European research and technology policy, the strengthening of the European Monetary System, the beginning of an European social area and significant actions in environment".
Jacques Delors, president of the European Commission.
1989: On 9th November took place the fall of the Berlin Wall after 28 years of its construction.
1990: The Reunification of Germany occurs. The German Federal Republic, with 80 million inhabitants became a State that incontestably overpowered France and Great Britain in economic might.
1992: The Treaty of Maastricht is signed by the European Council. By modifying the previous treaties (Paris, Rome and Single European Act), the initial economic objective of the Community, building a common market, was new stage in the process of creating an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe..." That changed the official denomination of the EEC and henceforth, it will be known as European Union.
1995: The Europe of the Fifteen was born. Austria, Finland and Sweden also joined the EU.
1997: The Treaty of Amsterdam is signed on 2 October 1997 by the Foreign Ministers of the fifteen member countries of the European Union.
The Article 6 of the treaty affirms:
"The Union is founded on the principles of liberty, democracy, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the rule of law, principles which are common to the Member States."
2000: The Treaty of Nice had therefore the aim of becoming the EU institutions more effective and legitimate, and to prepare the Union for the enlargement which was expected to come.
2002: Euro in circulation as the Treaty of Maastricht led to the creation of a common currency.
2004: Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic and Cyprus join in the EU.
2007: Romania and Bulgaria become part of the EU members.
2013: Croatia team up with the EU.
The countries which form the EU share values and their main aims are the achievement of peace, the consolidation of the democracy and the prosperity. After the creation of a Europe without borders, there are still lots of challenges that the government thinks about: the arrival of a unique currency, the problem about the unemployment...
In the economic aspect, the EU countries share the same laws in agriculture, transports, factory, etc. Also many countries of the EU have the euro as their official currency.
In the political aspect, the citizens of any community country can live, study or work in the other countries of the union. They can also vote and be candidates in the municipal elections and in the elections of the European Parliament.
To sum up, the EU countries have adopted various measures to protect the environment, fight against crimes and terrorism, and defend the equality between man and woman and so on.
We have created this Prezi which shows a passage through history which has been associated with the construction of a community called European Union.
"History is accelerating and we should make it with her..."
Jacques Delors
There is a little wrong at the first photo.On 2004 enlargment you wrote there Luxemburg.It should be Lithuania.